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The topic of this paper is the arrival of the Polish national minority to the territory of today’s Republic of Srpska and the architecture of its sacred buildings. The Poles colonized Bosnia and Herzegovina shortly after the Austro-Hungarian Empire had occupied this territory in 1878. The Poles, like many other colonized minorities, built churches ...

By Miroslav Malinović, Milijana Okilj, Ljubiša Preradović

U ovom radu su analizirani rezultati mjerenja nivoa buke u krugu fabrike za građevinske materijale u banjalučkom naselju Kuljani. Na osnovu rezultata mjerenja je dat zaključak o uticaju buke na životnu sredinu i predložene su mjere za smanjenje negativnog uticaja na susjedne objekte postavljanjem zvučne barijere....

By Aleksandar Janković, Saša Čvoro, Radovan Beleslin

The arrival of the Austro-Hungarian authorities to Bosnia and Herzegovina after the Congress of Berlin in 1878, created the preconditions for the inhabitation of people from all over the Habsburg Monarchy to the territory of BIH. The members of the German national minority had the most benefits and the most organized system of arrival, and due to t...

By Miroslav Malinović, Milijana Okilj, Ljubiša Preradović

Под приобаљем подразумијевамо просторни потез дуж уређених и природних обала у граду, које су безбједне од плавних вода. У раду се дефинише појам приобаља и анализирају особености овог специфичног градског простора. Основне морфолошке карактеристике градова чији је положај лоциран уз водени руб одређене су односом урбане структуре према води, а њих...

By Малина Чворо

30.12.2015. Original scientific paper Geodesy

The model for managing large volumes of spatio-temporal data is implemented in Apache Spark platform for storing and processing large sets of data. The algorithms for processing spatio-temporal data are defined according to the rules of Spark SQL programming model and relational operations on dataframes (specialized system of data frames) using dom...

By Mladen Amović, Miro Govedarica, Vladimir Pajić, Slavko Vasiljević

Овај рад се бави просторима дјеце, односно вртића, и његовим квантитативним и квалитативним детерминантама. Дјеца на специфичан начин перципирају простор, који као такав има значајну улогу у њиховом когнитивном развоју. Квалитетно пројектован вртић треба да задовољи захтјеве повишеног комфора. Вредновање угодности простора дјеце врши се кроз физичк...

By Диана Ступар

The newly opened campus of the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Wien) has quickly developed into a public attraction. It is the most frequently asked aim of all architectural tours in Vienna since 2013. The nine hectares area houses the largest University of Economics in the European Union. With the participation of star architects, ...

By Vladimir Vuković

U Republici Srpskoj se nedovoljno poznaju pravila koja vladaju na tržištu EU u sferi proizvodnje, nadzora i kontrole građevinskih proizvoda. Novo zakonodavstvo RS potrebno je uskladiti sa evropskim načelima Novog i Globalnog pristupa, ugrađivanjem tih načela u zakone. Implementacijom Construction Products Directive 89/106/EEZ (CPD) u zakonodavstvo ...

By Silvana Radulović, Stevan Jovanović, Rade Đuričić

The work deals with the architecture of the Franciscan convent and church of Saint Peter and Paul in Tuzla – a complex built during the 80s of the XX century, according to а project done by one of the most prominent domestic architects, the academician Zlatko Ugljen. Although the Franciscan convent existed in Tuzla even earlier, the site of the con...

By Miroslav Malinović

The paper aims at examining the current policy and practice on rehabilitation of former industrial areas in Austria, with special focus on industrial heritage and its social and economic potentials. Often neglected, industrial places are today valuable sites with alternative aesthetics and after-use concepts such as living, cultural events, leisure...

By Jasna Cizler, Judith Pizzera, Wolfgang Fischer

AGG+ is an open-access scientific journal that publishes articles in architecture, urbanism, civil engineering, geodesy and related scientific fields.