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AGG+ Journal for Architecture, Civil Engineering, Geodesy and Related Scientific Fields is now welcoming article submissions. We kindly invite scholars from a wide variety of backgrounds to submit proposals for volume 13 (2025).

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Edited by:

Maja Ilić & Nevena Novaković

Vol 12, No 1 (2024):

AGG+ Journal for Architecture, Civil Engineering, Geodesy, and Related Scientific Fields

Published: 31.12.2024.

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01.03.2025. Review scientific paper Civil Engineering Online first

By Elefterija Zlatanović, Zoran Bonić, Nemanja Marinković, Nikola Romić

Overview of current progress in the field of seismic regulations for the design of tunnel structures revealed that, despite significant progress in research work on seismic analysis of tunnels over the past few decades, however, a deficiency of systematic and precisely defined rules for the seismic design of tunnels still exists even in the most developed societies. Precisely for this reason, a great effort has recently been made in this research field in terms of finding simple approaches of the seismic analysis of tunnels that could be implemented in design codes and thus serve designers in everyday engineering practice. The response of tunnel structures to earthquake excitation is primarily conditioned by the strain field in the surrounding ground. The simplest approach in seismic analysis of tunnels is based on the assumption that deformations in the circular tunnel are identical to the deformations of the ground induced by seismic waves in its natural state, without tunnel excavation (the so-called "free-field deformation approach"). In addition, seismic design of tunnel structures taking into account the effects of soil-structure interaction is becoming increasingly important nowadays, because the effects of the interaction between the structure and the surrounding gorund can cause greater external forces on the tunnel structure (the so-called "soil-structure interaction approach"). The present study considers the most frequently used simple analytical expressions, regarding the idealised tunnel geometry and ground properties, for calculating the relevant design soil shear strain that occurs between the depths that correspond to the tunnel crown and the invert, on the one hand, and for determining the seismically induced forces in the tunnel lining taking into account the soil‒structure interaction effects, on the other hand. Furthermore, in order to evaluate the ability of the analytical expressions to simulate the most important aspects of the seismic behaviour of tunnels, numerical analyses were also carried out by one-dimensional free-field ground response analysis in the code EERA and by the simplified dynamic soil-structure interaction analysis in the software ANSYS, respectively. Lastly, the results obtained by the simple analytical and numerical approaches were evaluated, considering the main soil types - stiff soil with good properties and soft saturated soil with poor properties.

Current issue
31.12.2024. Review scientific paper
Determination of the Response Spectra of the Superstructure of Length l=3X63.0 m

By Nugzar Rurua, Boris Maisuradze, Ioseb Utmelidze

31.12.2024. Review scientific paper
Internal Extensions: A Case for The Reassessment of the Architectural Phenomenon of Greenhouse

By Ognjen Šukalo, Maja Milić Aleksić, Slobodan Peulić

31.12.2024. Preliminary report/Short communication
Stability Calculation of Irregular Structures with Irregular Disorder During Seismic Impact

By Zaza Jangidze

31.12.2024. Preliminary report/Short communication
Dynamic Comfort Considerations in the Design of High-rise Buildings

By Lia Balanchivadze, Beka Matithaishvili, Vladimer Kikadze

31.12.2024. Original scientific paper
Mathematics and Entrance Exam Results as Indicators of Academic Success Among Civil Engineering Students

By Ljubiša Preradović, Miroslav Malinović

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28.12.2023. Original scientific paper
Principles of Design, Materialization, and Optimization of the Strut-Type Hybrid Systems

By Slađana Miljanović, Muhamed Zlatar

The strut-type hybrid system can be made in different geometric shapes, which are affected by: the number and arrangement of struts, the shape and position of the cable in relation to the girder, and the size and shape of the cross-section of the girder. When choosing a system, all the listed parameters can vary geometrically, which has consequences on the behaviour of the girder when carrying the load by directly affecting the change in the stiffness of the system. In addition to the geometric parameters, the stiffness of the hybrid system is affected by variations in the properties of the incorporated materials and their mutual relations. In this paper, based on a detailed parametric analysis, the principles of design, the choice of materialisation, and the possibility of further optimisation of the persistent-type hybrid systems are given, with the aim of additionally increasing the load capacity and reducing the deformability. The results of this research are presented in the form of general expressions and diagrams, which can be applied with sufficient accuracy in practice when choosing the form and materialisation of the hybrid system, as well as the possibility of further optimisation of the system by applying pre-stressing. Using the example of external pre-stressing of a glued laminated timber girder, with the assumption of ensuring the lateral stability of the system, the results of the analysis of the behaviour of such a system under load in real conditions, i.e. the influence of the environment and changes in material properties, are given.

28.12.2023. Original scientific paper
Material Memory Properties

By Dragan D. Milašinović

28.03.2024. Review scientific paper
Modernism in the Petrified Landscape: Architecture in Montenegro 1945-1980

By Slavica Stamatović Vučković, Danilo Bulatović

28.12.2023. Original scientific paper
Improvement of Hot Mix Asphalt Using Waste Plastic

By Hadj Bekki, Latifa Meziou, Lotfi A. Belhadj

Plastic waste is a significant environmental and ecological problem that requires urgent action. Indeed, plastic waste pollutes our oceans, rivers, and lakes, harming aquatic life and marine ecosystems. Plastic debris also poses a threat to terrestrial wildlife, as animals can mistake plastic for food or become entangled in it, leading to injury or death. In addition, plastic production requires fossil fuels, leading to greenhouse gas emissions contributing to climate change. That is why recycling plastic waste is an important step towards reducing the environmental impact of plastic and creating a more sustainable future. The present work is part of this approach, and it aims to investigate the effects of the size of the plastic fibers and their percentages on the performances of Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) in road pavement. Marshall Tests were carried out on the reference asphalt (without adding plastic) and the asphalt containing plastic waste in order to highlight the effect of these additives on the mechanical performance of asphalt mixtures. It has been found that the addition of PET plastic waste considerably improves the mechanical properties of the HMA. The findings revealed that additives composed of plastic fibres of size ranging between 0.125 and 1.25 mm give the best results in terms of Marshall’s Stability and Flow, by acting as reinforcement to the bitumen-aggregate mixtures. Furthermore, the optimum plastic content was found to be about 3.75% by weight of bitumen. It can be noted that the proposed solution fits very well with sustainable development.

31.12.2019. Original scientific paper

By Ljiljana Ševo

There are more than forty projects for building Orthodox churches preserved in the Archives of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Sarajevo. Presented here are four projects for the churches with domes and one for three-conchal building with no dome.
The oldest projects are those of Višegrad (dated from 1882) and Zenica (dated from 1889), which represents the church built between 1883-1885. Name of the architect remains unknown in both cases– a project for the church in Višegrad is not signed and signatures of Franz Blazek and perhaps Miloš Komadina on a project for the church in Zenica are not a proof of them being the authors. Projects testify the wishes of the church patrons for their temples to show connection with the Serbian sacral architecture of the 13th century (Višegrad) or to visually manifest growing economic power and social standing of the Serbian Orthodox community, building their church similar to the cathedral in Sarajevo (Zenica). Project for the St Sava church in Blažuj was created in 1895/96, following wishes of the patrons, representatives of the Church community. Project of August Butschа embodied the idea of national recognition in historicist neo-byzantine style created by famous architect of historicism Teophil Hansen, which was back in the time generally recognized as a neo-Byzantine style, and in this specific case as an Orthodox and Serbian one. “Serbian-Byzantine style” of the mausoleum chapel of Lower Tuzla merchants Jovanovićs at Trnovac was almost for sure initiated by their wishes, and the chapel was built in 1889 by well-thought design of the architect Franz Blazek. Neo-Moravska three-conchal basis of Vodjenica church, projected in 1911 by Milos Miladinovic, can be considered as an aspiration of the church patrons to have their temple look like Mostanica.
Projects presented can be considered as rare testimonies to the role that “carriers of the patronage mechanism in the process of originating and forming of the church architecture” had in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the Austro-Hungarian period, when the lack of national state resulted in lack of a clear view of the sacral construction forms that would express its identity.

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