Determination of the Response Spectra of the Superstructure of Length l=3X63.0 m
During a seismic impact, the main emphasis is placed on the damage to bridge piers, which were isolated from the horizontal earthquake detector. Accordingly, when calculating the bridges, the reaction spectra obtained from the horizontal earthquake detector are used both for the piers and for the superstructure. The issue of seismic resistance of b...
By Nugzar Rurua, Boris Maisuradze, Ioseb Utmelidze
Mathematics and Entrance Exam Results as Indicators of Academic Success Among Civil Engineering Students
It is crucial to select high-quality candidates for college and university enrollment, focusing on preparing them for their future careers in the shortest possible study duration while maintaining a strong graduation rate. The most reliable predictors of academic success (graduation) are observed during candidate testing (entry exams) and within th...
By Ljubiša Preradović, Miroslav Malinović
Dynamic Comfort Considerations in the Design of High-rise Buildings
The following paper provides research analysis on the influence of wind on a building, considering the regional and local climate conditions, to improve dynamic stability and reduce wind disruption effects on high-rise reinforced concrete buildings. The main aspect of disturbance in living conditions is caused by wind loads on the building. The dat...
By Lia Balanchivadze, Beka Matithaishvili, Vladimer Kikadze
Internal Extensions: A Case for The Reassessment of the Architectural Phenomenon of Greenhouse
Glasshouses, greenhouses, conservatories and orangeries – all types of buildings intended specifically for plant cultivation – represent a relatively recent addition to the histories and repertoires of horticulture, agriculture and architecture. During approximately three centuries of their notable existence, these structures managed to...
By Ognjen Šukalo, Maja Milić Aleksić, Slobodan Peulić
Stability Calculation of Irregular Structures with Irregular Disorder During Seismic Impact
From the point of view of modern construction, the damage to reinforced concrete large-panel and frame buildings is especially interesting. The construction of this building is very diverse. Their use has a short history. Therefore, the systematisation of damages and generalisation of results for such buildings is more difficult. Below are some sta...
By Zaza Jangidze
Changes in the Location and Meaning of Banjaluka’s Urban Core: Recommendations for Urban Landscape Regeneration
The starting premise of this paper is that a careful interpretation of changes in the meaning of urban places, provided their autochthonous qualities and the quality of the urban environment and architecture are respected, can help to better understand and treat the built environment. The case study presented investigates Banja Luka’s urban l...
By Dijana Simonović
Improvement of Hot Mix Asphalt Using Waste Plastic
Plastic waste is a significant environmental and ecological problem that requires urgent action. Indeed, plastic waste pollutes our oceans, rivers, and lakes, harming aquatic life and marine ecosystems. Plastic debris also poses a threat to terrestrial wildlife, as animals can mistake plastic for food or become entangled in it, leading to injury or...
By Hadj Bekki, Latifa Meziou, Lotfi A. Belhadj
Principles of Design, Materialization, and Optimization of the Strut-Type Hybrid Systems
The strut-type hybrid system can be made in different geometric shapes, which are affected by: the number and arrangement of struts, the shape and position of the cable in relation to the girder, and the size and shape of the cross-section of the girder. When choosing a system, all the listed parameters can vary geometrically, which has consequence...
By Slađana Miljanović, Muhamed Zlatar
Material Memory Properties
The study demonstrates that the representative volume of standard cylindrical samples of rocks, concrete and asphalt represents a continuum from which samples are extracted or structures will be built. The rheological-dynamical analogy (RDA) is used as evidence, along with standard experimental data from the samples and the velocities of P and S wa...
By Dragan D. Milašinović
Presidential Palace in New Belgrade: Evaluation Approaches to Post-World War II Architectural Heritage
The discipline of preserving cultural monuments faces the challenge of large-scale contemporary and living heritage, which should be adequately documented and evaluated in order to be effectively protected and preserved. The valorization of architectural heritage, especially its most modern part, requires extensive consideration and estimation due ...
By Biljana Mišić