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Between Vision and Possibility – Industrial Architecture From the Socialist Period in Sarajevo

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Maja Pličanić

Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina


As a contribution to the research on the specificities of Yugoslav modernism, the development of industrial architecture in the City of Sarajevo after World War II is presented. When defining the architectural typology of industrial buildings during this period of development, examples of conceptual designs whose implementation was either fully or partially absent were analyzed. The paper elaborates on the specific socio-economic and cultural context that determines the architectural production of the post-war period. Financial difficulties led to significant rationalization of construction that resulted in devoid of aesthetic expression. Nonetheless, conceptual designs from the archive of the People's Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina's Ministry of Construction (Ministarstvo građevina NRBiH) show careful consideration of the technological process in conjunction with contemporary constructive possibilities and aesthetics of the functionalist design of modernism. The detailed presentation of the ambitious design of the Bosna Film "film city" in Jagomir provides a vivid insight into the undisputed development of architectural thought in this area.


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