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Polazeći od problema neprepoznavanja industrijske baštine XX vijeka kao bitnog dijela kulturnog nasljeđa i kulturnog identiteta zajednice, rad ukazuje da ovaj značajan razvojni potencijal Republike Srpske, u njenom zakonodavnom i institucionalnom okviru nije dovoljno zastupljen. Ističu se vrijednosti industrijskog nasljeđa prošlog vij...

By Dijana Simonović, Tijana Vujičić

Рад је фокусиран на значај ваздушног комфора и енергетске ефикасности у градитељству и могућност њихове примјене у архитектонском пројектовању. Обезбјеђивање адекватног комфора у физичком оквиру директно утиче на здравље и радне способности људи и значајно повећава потрошњу енергије. На обезбјеђење одговарајућег квалитета ваздуха, односно ваздушног...

By Cаша Б. Чворо

Пренасељеност, миграције и мобилност становништва данас су последица природних и еколошких катастрофа, политичких потреса и ратова, али и лоших економских услова.Основни циљ овог рада јесте представљање контејнера као решења за хумано, еколошки исправно, брзо просторно збрињавање угроженог становништва у кризним ситуацијама различите врсте, за прив...

By Јулија П. Алексић

Establishing an Integrated/Sustainable Solid Waste Management (ISWM) system that is accessible and financially supported represents a significant challenge for Republic of Srpska. Fragmentation of solid waste collection and disposal systems, technically unapproved landfills, absence of treatment technologies and insufficient number of recycling cen...

By Milan Topić, Ljubiša Preradović

31.12.2013. Review scientific paper Civil Engineering

An approach to elasto‐plastic analysis of engineering structures is presented in this study. Simple plane truss finite element with two nodes is used. This element is ideally suited as a basis for studying plasticity theory since it implies one‐dimensional state of stress and strain. Material model of linear isotropic hardening is applied. Algorith...

By Aleksandar Borković, Dragan Milašinović, Slobodan Slavnić

This research addresses the issue of transformation of urban landscape, especially its green structure, in the context of urbanisation understood as a complex socio‐spatial process possessing both global and local characteristics. This new urban landscape extends beyond the traditional relations between the city center and periphery as two distinct...

By Nevena Novaković, Dijana Simonović, Tijana Vujičić

Project scheduling methodology has been studied widely, and various tools have been developed for accurate scheduling. In this paper an analysis of the techniques and methods for project planning and re‐planning in construction is presented. A comparison was made among CPM and CCM methods, PERT and other probabilistic methods and necessary conditio...

By Milenko Stanković, Goran Ćirović, Snežana Mitrović, Nataša Popović‐Miletić

This paper will address methodological model of architectural design using the type and typological transformation as a mechanism for preservation of identity and cultural specificity in the growing phenomenon of globalization and unification of space. Theoretical framework of generative typology shall be presented, which will be the base of design...

By Маја Milić Aleksić

30.12.2013. Professional paper Geodesy

Deformation measurements are of great significance and importance based on which in the processing and analysis of measurement data determined displacements and deformations of construction objects during the exploitation and obtained information on whether the construction objects comply with expectancy. The consequences of neglecting the need for...

By Branko Božić, Sanja Tucikešić

This paper examines the process of modeling, peculiar for architectural creativity, focusing on the perception of models by creator on the one hand, and the perception of the observer (user) on the other. The research is conducted on two levels: theoretical and practical. Practical work includes modeling according to given topics that implies proce...

By Tijana Vujičić

AGG+ is an open-access scientific journal that publishes articles in architecture, urbanism, civil engineering, geodesy and related scientific fields.