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Milijana Okilj
Milijana Okilj
Contact Milijana Okilj

Republic Institute for Protection of cultural, historical and nature heritage of Republic of Srpska Bosnia and Herzegovina


Churches with leaning arches have an important place in the architectural achievements of sacral architecture, from the early Byzantine period to the 19th century, in the larger area of the Balkans. The fact that a particular architectural type has existed for more than ten centuries shows its importance. They originated in the area where Eastern and Western influences collided, crossed and reconciled for centuries, resulting in specific architectural solutions that have been the subject of interest of researchers for a long period of time. They were singled out as a specific architectural type in the middle of the 20th century. They can generally be divided into two types; basic, simple and complex type. The basic type is evident throughout the whole Balkans, while the complex type is found in the territory of Herzegovina and Montenegro, area known as Old Herzegovina.


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