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Models of Utility Cadastre in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Dragana Skorup
Dragana Skorup
Contact Dragana Skorup

Angermeier d.o.o. , Istočno Novo Sarajevo , Bosnia and Herzegovina


The utility cadastre database is a basic set of data about utilities, property rights pertaining to them and property rights holders. The beginning of utility cadastre in Bosnia and Herzegovina is referred to cadastre of communal facilities in the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY) and the Socialist Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina (SR BiH). In Bosnia and Herzegovina there are two types of records: utility cadastre and cadastre of communal facilities. The main difference between these two models is that the utility cadastre also contains the information about property rights pertaining to them and property rights holders which is not the case with the cadastre of communal facilities. The paper will give an overview of utility records in BiH and point out some important characteristics of particular models of utility records in the Republic of Srpska, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Brčko district of Bosnia and Herzegovina.


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